Sunday, September 17, 2006

New Zealand Fern Tattoos


last Sunday 7 puppies were picked up: Aika, Akita, Ari, Amba, Anni, Asko and Asja. Ambika
evening was before the hiding place that had their children often crept and whined softly ... Aik and Anka seemed unimpressed.
The whole week was peaceful. It was of course much easier to go out with three instead of 10 dogs.
Aik Anka and played a lot together. The slight Anka showed no respect for the much larger Aik, her good-natured brother.

Yesterday we had to take leave of Aik:

I am very glad that we decided to keep at least a puppy: the lively Anka. In the photo you can see that even tired Anka times is:

Tess and Ambi:

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Eden More And Milena Velba

twill decrease

on Saturday was a great day for our puppies. It was the final inspection by the club for Austrian Pinscher (body) instead.
Fri Huspeka (Club and chairwoman of professional vet) examined all the puppies very carefully. Result: The entire litter was the twill certificate.
excerpt from the acceptance report:

Deck Date: 07.05.2006
Thrown on: 09.07.2006
number: 3 / 6
duration of birth: 7 hours
condition of the puppies: very good
state of the mother: very good
behavior of dogs: outgoing, friendly, lively, enterprising
Overall impression: A typical litter race, well bred, accustomed to a variety of environments.

And that an aging process are puppies in the big wide world dismissed. We wish them a happy dog's life!

PS: Anka will stay with us and make society Ambika.






Annie and Ari:



And finally dogs mother Ambika:

Friday, September 8, 2006

Melanie Barnett Weaves

Week 9: Entertainment

Every day we take a trip, either equal to the back of the garden beyond the orchard to the field or by car to the countryside. I lead, Ambika helps me. Hartmut pays attention to the remaining puppies.
The little dogs enjoy it, to discover new worlds and they are easily distracted. If one goes first in a new direction, he followed three others. So it is sometimes like "to watch over a bag of fleas".

over the orchard:
On the field:
stream crossing:
home ground:
Back home:

Saturday, September 2, 2006

What Is The Best Titanium Grade

weeks 8: all healthy

another week older, each a pound and healthy yesterday we were at with all puppies vet. He has made us an extra time outside of talk time. Each puppy was examined, monitored, vaccinated and microchipped. Result: all are healthy. The vaccine was injected under the skin, the kids hardly noticed.
The chip, about 2 mm in size, was placed behind the left ear, that was certainly a little painful. Some have grumbled, but only briefly.
are the way we the car drove to the vet. Hartmut had removed two rear seats on the third, I was sitting around me stumbling nine small dogs, but drove very carefully Hartmut (9km). Amba took a seat in my arms and enjoyed the view. On the way home were all tired and slept. But now you realize you no longer.
Anni plays in wine:
Ari on the stone terrace:
Asja on the stone terrace:
Asko seem:
Aika digging in the sand:
Amba just before falling asleep:
Asja and Aika: