Sunday, August 20, 2006

Blood Pressure Cuff Irregular Heart Beat

Exciting night

an aging process had been sleeping children at night in the house.
Last night they stayed for the first time outside the shed. Last night
By 22:00 clock, I looked again for them. No one was in the hay with padded box: (
Some slept on a large haystack, which I have also. covered. Two were lying down under the platform on the bare earth. I wore it in the box, where they slept immediately. Two more I wore the haystack. Ambika, I set it free, where she spends the night, I left open the door. I could not sleep long, and listened again and again for the puppy outside.
This morning I was given the following picture: The puppies were playing in a haystack. Ambika was sitting on the box and watched her. Ambika
Is not that a great mother dog?


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