Today I visited with her daughter Ambika Akita.
Akita is a very strong, spirited young girl dog. She wanted to run around with Ambika and got a refusal.

Akita storms with Giant steps by the world. She picks up and a bump, without ever complaining. And she loves the water. Sometimes they can swim in the Unstrut and otherwise it leaves out any puddle.
Akita is a very good eater, it is hard to rein in its huge appetite, perhaps because it has an especially large tongue?
And - it is a watchdog that reports each visit. The relationship they recognize the car noise. They especially loved the children and also all other friends like.
During the day she is often associated with pet owners in the garden, which lies on the outskirts. There, they respected the fence without borders with the neighboring gardens.
And another thing: Akita watching the pilot, until they disappear in the distance.
Akitas data: about 45 -47 cm back height, weight 18-19 kg mistress

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