Sunday, February 10, 2008

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Here we go ...

On Wednesday was my first day as a trainee teacher at the school.
We run the down so that we both disciplines simultaneously. At the end of the refs, we have both in one day training samples and the three tests. But as far as we are not yet.
Wednesday and Thursday we are going to teach (officially) in the first discipline, Friday for the second. Since I can do but at a school, only two classes, both are mixed.
From 20.2. I must in the first FR. 4 hours alone hold lessons in the 2nd two. And independent states in the fall all alone. I'm so used to my L-class, so to speak as a teacher.
My mentor gave me the same offer that I could choose whether I prefer history, want to do biology, geography or physics ...
Well ... I've finally settled on geography and I've since picked out as a fascinating subject.
We will do a teaching Sien awareness about planets and constellations and end up going to the planetarium.

The mentor in the 1 Discipline me then offered to teach the same on Wednesday already, as they would be still there. So far so nice, just ... I should like to make the reading.

in itself not an issue, only that I can only begin on Monday with the plan, because I do not know how far on Monday morning with the Book come (as it is introduced). Monday is also the way from 15.30 clock Conference * gg *.
will not go too wrong ... somehow. And otherwise, my mentor really nice, just as the school administration and my Mitreferendarinnen. Since I'm really lucky ...

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So, a supplement to Carnival. We usually get our first ever carnival photos in September. Now we have changed the Fototgrafen and behold ... on Ash Wednesday at the annual cat food, we have a freshly burned CD in hand. Now I can follow, then, and my almost eight-present * gg *

Here we go then ...

The sugars are Snouts Each year the finale of the first part of the meeting. We sing, dance and acting for about one hour after the events of Worms. This time we had our shopping center as a topic.

Ylli as a cleaner at the "Opening Dance".

... as Grandma in "Café escalator '(a pastry chef in this shopping center a couple of chairs and tables has placed just below the escalator ...)

... a fellow player (about 40) thought they would be now at an age where you just should not play grandmothers ... I thank I thank ...

... and our final.

(Den Material for our costumes had the head of the troops discovered last year .. and because of the red snouts on it and us "zuckerschnute has gelich they bought it. How did the costume look then, was left to each individual)

In the second part, I then played and danced with the women's ballet. Our theme this year was James Bond.

first in a black suit ....

... then in the "Glitter Outfit" as Bond girls

also one of our highlights: our men ballet

... and then the grand finale at the end when all players must once again on the stage and celebrate a ... :)

: and Camera Creative (Stefan Ahlers) (just for safety * gg * took the photos of photo-genius (Stefan white men were)) "Empowering people and clarify the matter"

Monday, February 4, 2008

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On Ash Wednesday there you go go ...

No, I do not spin, so you will be greeted on the side of my study seminar.
While you have enjoyed all the other Monday and celebrated, I already have my first seminar behind me.
This morning we went at nine los:
- trade unions, staff etc I presented
- aid has been declared
- and tips given for Referandarleben (That I should say "good morning" when I walk into the staff room, I would have known well by itself * gg *).

has us at 12, the head of geschwirrt all the details and we first made a trip to Aldi and strengthened us.
after 13.00 we were then distributed to our general seminar ..
My head is very loose. He looked after me and two others also HörPäd. Here we are only three ...

My two fellow sufferers are very nice, I think we are a fun, relaxed and calm group and have fun.
One other friend, I have learned to know and appreciate the support center, is unfortunately in other seminars. We now hope to be together at least in L (since we know the managers are not yet ... sound familiar?).

On Wednesday, we go to school. My two mentors I've learned already know. At first glance, can be very sympathetic and we'll see how it will work with them.
We have studied two subjects in HD and primary school education plus trade in RLP were we (Katrina, even ne PHlerin and I) assigned to the secondary first
So now I have the pleasure of me with a pubescent seventh Class (hearing impaired) and an 8 / 9. mess around in class L.
And I'm looking forward .....

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civil servants .. or so?

on 1/2/2008, it was now ready. From the small ex-student and substitute teacher an "officer of withdrawal" was. What to make of it, I do not know. Anyway, it's an experience before starting a new school to have to swear an oath ...
concern we found so that we felt have thousands of documents required to sign before we could read them. Well, but we had our soul to the devil so anyway ... um state of Rhineland-Palatinate prescribed * gg *

any case, the leave of Worms was really hard. One of my students was crying terribly, which moved me very much to the kidneys. One of my classes had a totally sweet farewell party organized for me.