So its the must ... no one has worked for two weeks, you have already again fall break. I have used this
to once again to visit my relatives in France.
Saturday morning at 8 we are with the car drove off (let's face it, can France, as far as the highway sometimes nothing at all .... not a nice break Landscape to the viewings and no McDonalds make the catch ... ;)) And arrived about half-third
Since my brother during the week is almost exclusively on work, we have the same on Sunday made a trip to Lyon pure.
goal was the "Parc de la Tête d'or" , the city of Lyon Park. There you can ride scooters, bikes, go inline skating or just walking.
highlights are of course the animals:
Also, you can also make a visit there the greenhouses ... and they are really great scary!
During the week we have made relatively little else, because potential excursions were only four can start (école maternelle and nap cost just time ...;)). Therefore, we have a threesome (my sister, her son and I) over the shop and made all supermarkets in the area unsafe.
Wednesday we were in the circus, the first for Karl. Enjoy him while alone in zuzukucken and wonder, it was worth the circus in itself expensive, but was not top notch.
Thursday we were in Vieux Lyon .
A main attraction there are the so-called " traboules" . Actually, this word is not translated into German, you could call it "pass", but this is not hundertprzentig apt. The traboules lead namely through the houses. Lyon was so in ancient times a famous silk-weaving town. trnsportieren To the silk from Lyon, without being wet with rain, the Weber through with bolts of cloth through the courtyards of the houses and have "work through" so of road to road.
Some of these "traboules" you can still be seen today and that is what we did.
spiral staircases lead from the balcony again to the very doors.
Unfortunately, not all homeowners open their homes, although they are obliged to grundsätzluch. In these homes, usually the stairwells to the flats are closed with number code locks.
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