Rainer Maria Rilke - The beginner .... dwindling, you do not know the towers. But now you shall
perceive a tower with the wonderful
space in you. Capping your face.
have you erect it
Unsuspecting with a view and wink and turn.
Suddenly he stares of perfection,
And I, Seliger may releationship him.
Oh, how I'm close it.
flatter myself to the dome to withdraw: To
back in your soft nights
With the sweep shot to hurl a dazzling multi-missile feel like I am.
On quiet crossroads in my dress;
My whole body is called after him. We both like a
Gau it is the magic.
But Hain to be and the sky Herme
That is up to you. Give to. This occurs
The free God in the midst of his flocks
From the enchanted destroyed column.
Rainer Maria Rilke poems
portrait of Oskar Zwintscher
born on 21 November 1878 in Bremen
died on 9 March 1954 Fischerhude
German sculptor and painter.
Letters: From a letter to Clara Rilke.
To Clara Rilke Paris, 11 Rue Toullier [Display in: Google Maps
He had model. One girl had a small cast thing in his hand, which he scratched around. He let the work down, offered me a chair, and we talked. He was fine and mild. And I felt as if I knew it all along. When I saw him only once again, I found it small and yet powerful, benevolent and sublime.
Auguste Rodin
We said some things - (where my strange language and his time would allow.) ... Then he worked and asked me to inspect everything to what is in the studio. This is not a little. The "hand" is there.
C'est une main comme ça, (said he and his so mighty entertaining and positive gesture that was believed to see things grow out of it). - C'est une main comme ça, qui tient un morceau de terre glaise avec des ... And pointing to the two wonderfully deep and mysterious characters combined: ça c'est une création, une création ... Wonderful he said it ... The French word lost its grace and did not get the cumbersome heaviness of the German word: creation ... it had detached from all languages redeemed ... was alone in the world:
création ...
A bas-relief is there; morning star he calls it. A very young girl's head with a wonderful young forehead, clear, sweet, light, and simple, and deep down in the stone appears a hand to the eyes of a man, an awakening, before the Bright protects. These eyes are almost still in the stone (so wonderful is the Nochnichterwachtsein said here - so vividly): one sees only the mouth and beard. - A woman's portrait is there. There is more there than you can say, and all the little one has so much size that the space H of the studio seems to stretch into the immeasurable, to cover everything. And now today: Today I drove by 9 clock morning by train to Meudon , from there in 20 minutes). The villa, which he has un petit château called Louis XIII - is not nice -. It has 3 windows, red bricks with a yellowish framework, a gray, steep roof, large chimneys. The whole spreads "picturesque" disorder of the Val Fleury out in front, a narrow valley in which the houses are poor and look like in Italian vineyards (and vineyards are probably here because of the location steep dirt road, through which one goes, is rue de la Vigne ...); then go over a bridge, a piece of road, along a small, quite handsome Italian Osteria. Left is the door. First, a long avenue of chestnut trees, sprinkled with large gravel. Then, a small wooden gate door. Again, a small wooden gate door.
Then you come around the corner of the little red and yellow house and is - in front of a surprise - in a garden of stone and gypsum. Its large pavilion, the same one who has been on the show at the Pont Alma, is now transferred to his garden, which he fills seemingly, with even some studios where Steinhauer and in which he himself works. Then there are spaces for ceramic nozzle and into all kinds of crafts. It is a tremendously large and strange feeling, this great hall with its bright white, dazzling figures that look out from the many high glass doors as the population of an aquarium. Great is this impression of size. You see, even before they occurred, that all these hundreds of lives are a living, - vibrations of a force and a will. What everything is - everything, everything.
The marble of La prière: plaster casts of almost everything. - How does the work of a century ... an army of labor. There are huge display cases, filled with beautiful fragments of the Porte de L'Enfer. It is impossible to describe.
Porte de l'Enfer: Gates of Hell.
Since it is only ten feet away fragments of another next to the. Act in the size of my hand, and larger ... but only pieces of a very difficult: often just a piece of arm, a piece of bone, as nebeneinanderhergehen so, and the piece body, the close one of them. Once the torso of a figure with the head pressed against the other, with the arm of a third ... as an unspeakable assault, destruction would have been without parallel on this work. And yet the closer one looks, the deeper you feel that everything would be quite less if the body were quite different. Each of these fragments is of such eminent taken unity, but possible, so no need to supplement that one forgets that there are only pieces and parts of different bodies often are the concatenate because so passionately.
You feel suddenly that it's more a matter for the scholars to take the body as a whole - and instead of the artist to create from the parts of new connections, new, larger, lawful units ... forever ... And this wealth, this never-ending, perpetual invention, the presence of mind, purity and vehemence of expression, the inexhaustible, this youth, this is still something to say still have the best ... This is unprecedented in human history. Then tables, selles, chests of drawers ... completely covered with small pieces - golden brown and ocher burnt clay. Not arms larger than my little finger, but filled with a life that makes your heart beat. Hands, you can cover it with a ten-penny piece, and yet filled with a wealth of knowledge, and not yet determined exactly petty ... as if a giant made them immeasurably great: - so it makes that person in his circumstances. He is so great, and if he makes it very small, so small he can, they are still larger than the people ... for these small things are everywhere and you can take in hand, I felt like at that time in St. Petersburg before the small Venus from the excavations ... Of these, hundreds and hundreds there, not a piece of the other - all these sensations, each a piece of love, devotion, kindness, and research.
I Meudon was up to 3 clock. Rodin came to me from time to time, asked and said some things, nothing important. The limits of language is too large. I have put my poems to him today - if he could read it ... I think now that the Last Judgement
it would be something.
so frightened as they were shocked, never without order, often perforated and loose,
to bring the children love won.
But angels to come to oils
instill in the dry pans
and to everyone in the armpit
Send to
what he desecrated in the noise
time of his life;
dennn there has nboch a little warmth,
that it is not the Lord's hand
catch cold up when he quietly from each side
, accesses feel whether it would apply.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Off-The new poems the other part He flipped through very carefully.
The equipment he was surprised, I think, especially when the images
book. And since now stand these stupid languages helpless as two bridges that go side by side on the same river, but are separated by a chasm apart. It is only a trifle, a coincidence, and it separated but ...
Madame Rodin (I had seen before - he did not imagined) looked tired, irritable and nervous and careless.
Rose Beuret.
opposite me, a French gentleman sat with a red nose, I was not presented. - Next to me a little. very sweet girl of about 10 years (of which I knew not who she is ...). No sooner had we sat down - then complained Rodin about the tardiness of the meal, he was moved out to go to the city. Then Mme Rodin [*] was very nervous. Comment, she said, puis-je être partout? Disez-le à Madelaine (probably the cook), and then came a flurry of hasty and violent words from her mouth, which did not sound really bad, not ugly, but what a difficult wounded man, whose nerves will all jump in a moment. An uneasiness came into her body - she started all the things on the table a little skid, so that it looked as if it was already after lunch.
Auguste Rodin
Everything was so neatly prepared was located, as after the meal, remained lying scattered somewhere. This scene was not embarrassing, just sad. Rodin was calm, went on very quietly, so he complained that motivated his action very well, spoke softly and inflexible one. At last it was a pretty dirty man, brought a few things (which were well cooked), they carried around and forced me if I did not want, with very good-natured way access: he thought I was obviously very shy. I have never ever been through such a strange déjeuner.
Rodin was quite talkative, - sometimes spoke very quickly that I do not understood, but mostly clear. I told them about Worpswede - from the artists (of which he knew nothing), he knew, as far as I saw only
- as an illustrator ....
Max Liebermann.
The conversation was not conventional, not otherwise, so anyway. Madame was sometimes in part, always very nervous and speaking passionately. She has gray hair, dark, deep-set eyes, looks thin, sloppy, tired and old, tormented by something. After dinner she spoke very friendly to me - only now as a housewife - invited me if I ever would in Meudon, déjeuner participate on the same early morning etc. I go out again and maybe some days: it is infinite. It is hard but at terrible - first, because of the crowd, second, because everything is white, it is among the many dazzling casts about in all the bright pavilion as the snow. My eyes hurt me, my hands too ....
In the years 1905/06 Rainer Maria Rilke worked as private secretary to Rodin
Auguste Rodin [*]
Auguste Rodin
: relationships.
At Madame Rodin I have not found a "good pictures".
But some of his relations such as: Camille Claudel 1883 Rodin met Camille Claudel . It was first his student, later his lover.
The separation took place in 1893.
Gwendolen Mary John
1904 he met the painter Gwen John
know from Wales, she became his model and for about ten years his mistress.
Rose Beuret - Madame Rodin.
the age of 76 years, Rodin married in January 1917
his longtime companion Rose Beuret.
The couple Rilke, Clara and Rainer. Clara Rilke - Westhoff: Continued on next Sunday.