Monday, January 31, 2011

Free Flavoured Condoms

Rainer Maria Rilke - It is very quiet. Upright the scent

It is very quiet. Upright the scent

It is a great calm. Upright the scent of past
colors in the fade routes.
The heavens hold a long rain
The leaves go on stage through the air

Rainer Maria Rilke

faces the lonely, the vacuous, the judge;
because he's one of yours.

Rainer Maria Rilke poems
will soon be continued. For now it in February, a little blog break for health reasons. On 31/01/2011 there is an issue and as soon as it goes on? in - in February followed other posts. I hope you will continue soon. Thank you for reading my blog and track. greetings and heartfelt thanks to my readers. Until .... George


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